This meant that EPS-16+ disks could be loaded by the EPS with no problem. I believe the EPS worked with 16-bits internally, but the analog to digital and digital to analog converters could only handle 13 bits. After the EPS came the EPS 16 Plus (? or was there an EPS-16?) which was a full 16-bit sampler. It was a step up from the 8-bit Ensoniq Mirage. The rackmount version was called the EPS-M. The Ensoniq EPS is also known as the Classic, Original, or 13-bit EPS. I developed a minimal wavesample editor for the PC that could transfer wavesamples to and from the keyboard via MIDI. I did use it successfully to fly in vocals from a demo into a final version of one of my bands' "hit" songs.

The sounds available aren't all that great, and it would occasionally crash on me. In the end, the EPS worked out ok for me. I needed a real keyboard, but I also wanted a sampler so that I could use it for production work in my studio. It cost me somewhere around $2500 as I recall. It contains the registration name and password needed to unlock the free version of Epsilon.Way back in 1990 or so, I bought myself an Ensoniq EPS keyboard.

Be sure to check the register.txt file included in the zip-file. Development has stopped now on this program, and I have decided to make it freeware. It was released as shareware costing $20US. The first version of Epsilon saw the light in 1996. When you want to see more detail, just zoom into that area and get a new wavesample-overview

On large samples a complete wavesample transfer through MIDI takes a long while, getting a wavesample-overview only takes a few seconds or less. Wavesample-overview makes it possible to get a graphical view of a wavesample without transferring the whole wavesample. This is because the program uses the build in wavesample-overview functionality of the EPS/ASR. Epsilon does all this through a MIDI connection, but still it works fast. It offers you a graphical view of your wavesamples and allows you to send editing-commands to your EPS/ASR. Epsilon is a remote wavesample editor for the Ensoniq EPS 16+ Digital Sampling Workstation, but it also works with the ASR-10.