This will take some time to download (it will download to your Applications folder, which we want).ī.It may ask Would you like to continue? Yes, continue.Find OS X Mavericks and click Download (chances are you already have it).This little flash drive will plug into the side of the computer and we’ll tell the computer to read from it and install the operating system. When you wipe your Macbook Pro clean, it needs some direction on how to come alive again. In this step, we’re going to make a OS X Mavericks boot drive. In this next chapter, we’ll learn how to create an OS X Mavericks boot drive so once the computer is wiped clean, we can tell it to reinstall an operating system and come back to life. It also serves as an important archive for your data so you can access it and grab files whenever you want them on your ‘new’ Macbook Pro. In our last chapter, we learned how to backup your Macbook Pro with Time Machine in the event we have an issue while reformatting your Macbook Pro. You can always refer back to the table of contents to follow the entire process.

Note: This post is part of the the series: Reformat Macbook Pro to make brand new.